Cancer sucks
Coffee is battling Cancer and I hate that…..I live with this pit in the bottom of my stomach and I never know if there will be a tomorrow. I took her to Pennsylvaia for monochlonial antibody treatment for B cell lymphoma and now that has been suspended by the company due to a problem with the processing of the medication. They changed her chemo to big blue because the last chemo stopped working, and I. A week her diseased progressed 30%. So big blue is working her glands are smaller and she is responding this time. We go back Thursday.
Cancer yuck
My coffee has cancer
She’s no longer a prancer
She gets poked and prodded
She hated those that nodded
She is IVed and transfused
She is sad and confused
She hates the chemo
To the supplements she says no
She shakes and she hides in the office of the vet
She spends whole days where she just sets