Alone in the night, not able to sleep.
My thought to myself as up they creep.
The past, the future, in the still of the night
I listen to silence with happiness and delight
The tween times is here, no one stirs
All I hear is the fan and a few purrs.
The cats are in bed and the dog fast in slumbers
No one calls and the clock’s face is just numbers
I am by myself with no one awake
It’s just to do whatever for my own sake
I can listen, I can watch, or read a little
I can can write, do my blog, or take just a nibble
My life is my own late in the hour
Nothing to bother me, no one to devour.
I lay on my bed, the soft light all a glow
Wondering what to do or just take it slow
Wendy is an award winning retired teacher of 28 years. She retired after getting injured by one of her students.