As I sit here waiting for the hearing
I see those things not so endearing
About myself brain injured and mental
With my life falling apart even my dental
Sometimes I wonder how much bad someone an hear
About how terrible they are and their fears
You are the bottom of the barrel
If you were a cat you’d be ferrel
You are no one, a ghost, you do not matter
Your life isn’t worth a big truck splatter
A road kill is higher then you are
You’re that slime left over when hit by a car
Who could be more worthless than you are
Your are not worth your name written in blue
Who could love someone like you?
Long journey
We had along long journey today, late into the night. We are on our way to Hope Veterinary Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to see if the new monochromal antibody treatment will help Coffee. It was USDA released January 5 but only centers that trailed it have it and there are 4 in the whole country. The Hope Vetrinary Center had extra and agreed to treat Coffee, so it was a really long trip and we still have 90 minutes to go today. thank you Hampton Inn in Carlisle. We were really tired when we got here and we had a warm cozy inviting room to walk into. That’s helped so much!