When life gets rough, what do you do? Do you hide? Do you eat? Do you cry? Do you rock out on music? I found this article on www.lifehack.org and I started thinking. Not everything applied to me but some does.
Do you ever get tired of “it is always something?” When I told someone my dog had cancer, and the dog is my world, that person said “it’s always something with you!” She’s right. How do you keep life from creating the always somethings? It is not like you choose and things happening to you?
Buddah says “it is resistance to what is that causes suffering”. I make myself miserable by obsessing over it. I need to accept the things I cannot change and change the things I can.
I need to change myself. You have to start with yourself. Change yourself change things around you. I don’t know if I need more knowledge or I need more of a positive attitude. I guess I have to figure out what I need to change about me.
I need to live in the present. My dad said I was never happy with anything. I always wanted more, wanted better, and was never happy with what I had. That wasn’t entirely true. I was happy with things but I did want more.
I am always afraid. I was always afraid before I was attacked but I made myself do the things that were hard for me but it was a rush trying to conquer my fears. After I was attacked I was always afraid and conquering my fears wasn’t a rush anymore, it was a chore….a life changing chore….
I know things do change. I am a person that doesn’t like change. Maybe I have to be a different person and be more accepting of change.